The International Baccalaureate has three different levels of Mathematics that form part of the course. Mathematical studies, Mathematics standard level and Mathematics Higher Level. So why do we spend 12 years of our lives being forced to learn about areas of mathematics that we will never use in our day to day lives?
A large number of Degree courses require a student to have an A'level in mathematics that will probably have no bearing on the course that they actually end up studying or the career that they end up per suing. Why does a student that will end up running their own beauty business need to know how to transform a shape with vectors or indeed that Pythagoras theorem works only for right angled triangles? Why doesn't Maths follow a similar idea to the IB and have a different levels that take into account the fact that some people will not need to use complicated mathematics in their every day life rather than create an ever growing number of people who will for evermore say that they were rubbish at maths and believe that there is no real need for the subject in their everyday lives or that of their children.
"Maths for life" rather than giving people a grade that isn't a "C" or above and make them feel as though they have failed in a subject that's content is too vast.