Just imagine that you go into work one day and you are told that you have got a review coming up and everything you have been told about work the meetings that you went to and those you skipped and all the different aspects of your job are going to be under the spot light and the board are going to quiz you on everything. Of course you can't take in any notes or refer to anything and all of the questions will need an answer of some kind but you don't have any clues as to exactly the questions you are going to be asked. Oh and this review will then determine the rest of your employment with the company.
I think most of us would find this unacceptable and find an alternative employment that was more sensible. But what if there isn't an alternative. That's ok surely our line manager would stand up for us and give us some support and maybe even oppose this radical change!
This employment review is the new ebac!
The line managers are the "powerless " head teachers and those facing the review are our children!
Is one exam board one qualification right for all??
If education was a real business industry surely there would be some rules regarding competition and anti monopoly.